I know last time I wrote (briefly), I promised an expose of the Canadian medical system. However, I lost track of time the night I was planning to make write that piece, and since then I have lost my passion to show the Canadian medical system as the shitty shitty thing that it is. It's too much of a given. Everyone knows it blows. There are too many people and too few doctors, which naturally leads to long wait times. Supply and demand, people. If the supply of doctors is less than the demand that exists, there are obviously going to be problems. I was going to go in depth into my experience with this problem, but I think I would be best served to just tell anyone interested that wait times are a fact of life....so you had best get used to it, or else move to the U.S. where you can pay for it and get it right away. If you want it covered, than sit down, shut up, and bide your damn time.
Anyways. That's all I have to say about that. For now. If the doctors I work for piss me off again, who's to say that I won't come on here and finally write that expose. For the time being I'm not angry enough.
Ahem. How to write a decent segway is alluding me....so I am just going to venture off into a different topic, in an awkward fashion. Here I go!
My brother just walked into the room. I haven't seeen him for a few weeks, if not months. He's hard to recognize. This troubles me somewhat. It definetly sucks to be the older sister who doesn't live at home anymore. I feel like I am missing out on my little brother growing up. I don't know much about him, to be honest. That really bothers me. I would like to have a close relationship with my brother. I don't really think I have one with my sister. I love her, but she's very hard to get along with. She likes to piss me off, I think she gets some kind of weird pleasure out of it. It makes her very hard for me to be around. She's always got something critical to say. I can only take so much of her company, before I get sick of the very sight of her. This weekend she's already so much on my nerves, I'm trying to avoid her as best I can. I don't want to strain the relationship, and I know she's just going to say something to piss me off in typical Sheena fashion.
I spoke to soon. Just this minute she asked me to dye her hair for her. I said "I don't have much choice, so give me a few minutes". What does she do? Flip out, cause a scene, and tell me to never ask her for a favour again. Ugh. So infuriating. Anyways... I want to have a close relationship with my bro cuzI feel like sometimes he gets the bad end of the whole family dynamic; he's the youngest and the only boy. This means my mom babies him and my dad is too hard on him. My sister, typical her, is a bitch to him. I sometimes don't think she knows how to treat anyone any differently. Her approach to anyone is to be overly critcal and push them away. For what reason, I don't know. But if I think she's mean to me, she's even meaner to my brother. He can really do no right, in her eyes. Which infuriates me. Because he's a good kid. So I always defend him. I think, as horrid as this sounds, he likes me more. But I'm never rude to him, like she is. I actually want to be his friend. I want to know him more. I look at him, and don't see the brother I grew up with. I see this tall, skinny, good lookin blonde kid, that dresses cooler than I could have hoped. He looks and sounds more and more like my dad every day. That's really weird, cuz if you had asked me 4 years ago which parent I thought he looked more like I would have said my mom. Now, its definetly my dad I see in him. And since I do think I look a lot like my brother, I am increasingly seeing my dad in myself. It's weird,cuz I never before considered myself to have that "Carson" look. Now I see it. I see both my mom and dad in me, and it's kind of cool.
But anyways. I'm not sure where I was going with this. Just that I see my brother, and I realize how much he's grown, and how little I actually know about him. It bugs me. Hopefully I can remedy that some day.