So! Today I had my interviews for teaching in England. The first interview was with Protocol Education, and it went decent enough. It was in Newmarket, in this really seedy suite on Leslie Street. I was a bit apprehensive when I entered the building, wondering what exactly I was getting myself into. However, the girl that greeted me was quite nice. She took me into her office, and we went over my resume and practicum information, and she asked me some basic questions. It was a little weird, because there was on one from England actually there to see me, it was just this Canadian woman, filling in this form when I spoke. At the end, she told me that she didn't think there would be any problems "placing me" in England, and that she'd e-mail me with the next step (and subsequent forms to fill out). I left feeling much more at ease about the interview process, but not entirely at ease about the idea of working with this company.
The second interview was downtown Toronto, so we took the 404 into the city. It was a quick drive, and we got there with an hour and a half to spare. So we (my Mom and Pops) walked around downtown, and grabbed a bite to eat. I had a Shawarma, some Lebanese wrap thing, and it was bloody delicious. Mmmm. However, it left me with rather bad (re: garlic) breath. Good thing there is this invention called "gum". Saved my life ha ha ha.
For the second interview, I had to go to the Sutton Place hotel, on Bay Street. I walked in, and went to the front desk to announce my arrival. I was told to have a seat on one of the over sized chairs, so I plunked my ass down, and tried to sit like a dainty lady-in-waiting. After about 10 minutes, my British twin (I kid you not, this lady looked just like me, only with an accent and bangs) came and introduced herself to me. She then walked me into another room, with a large puffy couch, and two comfy chairs. Sitting on the couch was the most ravishingly handsome man I had ever laid eyes on. Not a word of a lie. Then he opened his mouth, and let loose the most glorious British accented voice I've ever heard. His name, he said, was Wayne. We had been in contact over the weeks via e-mail. My mind reeled.
THIS was the face, the voice, behind the e-mails? This young, beautiful, man?
He was dressed in a white and pink striped shirt, with dark dress pants, and a lovely blue silk tie. His hair was dark dark brown, as were his eyes. He had it done in a very stylish, messy do. All in all, he looked professional, yet young and edgy. He also had great shoes on. And a killer smile. I was in love.
He stood to shake my hand, and then asked me to have a seat.
The girl, my twin Rachel, told me she would "fetch" me when Derek(the headmaster from England) was ready, and then ran off leaving me with Wayne.
For about half an hour he ran through how their company worked, and what they did for teachers from other countries. I drank in every word he said, loving the idea of going to England more and more. He made it sound so amazing, so easy, and so fun. He also told me that teaching there was no walk in the park, but that he'd be there to help me through it every step of the way, with weekly calls and visits.
"SIGN ME UP" I wanted to say. I held back my enthusiasm though, because I didn't want to scare him off. I just simply nodded to everything he said, and added a few witty comments here and there.
Then Rachel came, and whisked me away for the actual interview.
As we walked into the room, I saw yet another couch, and two more chairs. It was a theme, it appeared. An adorable old man was reclined on the couch, looking as comfortable as pie. He rose to shake my hand, and we all sat down. Throughout the interview, I couldn't help but marvel at how seamlessly easy it was going. I wasn't at a loss for an answer at any point, and at everything I said, Derek seemed to nod and smile as if I was speaking the word of God. At the end of the interview, he asked me if I had any questions for him. Of course I did! I had one great one.
"What, in your opinion, makes a successful teacher in England? What are you looking for?" I asked.
Without skipping a beat he replied, "I haven't a doubt in the world that you would make a successful teacher in my school, or any other in the U.K. I can honestly say that you would flourish in my school, and I have no doubts at all about your ability to be a success. You'd do wonderful things in England."
I was at a total loss of words. I thanked him profusely, and told him it was my pleasure to meet him, and it would be my pleasure to work for him, or any other headmaster, in England, should they want me. We shook hands, and I parted company.
Rachel took me back down to Wayne, who talked with me briefly again. He told me he would be in touch (ooo second date? ha ha ha, jokes), and wished me a safe journey home.
So, suffice it to say, I see England in my very near future. They told me to expect a call in a week or so. We shall see how it goes. Obviously I will keep you posted.
In other news, things with K are going fairly well. I have had a few girly moments of doubt, which are totally unfounded. Last weekend he invited me out with him and his friends, which went fabulously. Then last Saturday was his "guys night out". They went to the Turkey Point Hotel. I wasn't expecting to hear from him, but at 2 a.m. my phone rang. It was K! I was so excited, because a drunk dial at least means they're thinking about you! But it was better than that! They were coming to my HOUSE! My brother was having a Prom after party, and they figured they would crash it. So he came, and we chilled, and it was great. As they went to leave, he snuck me to the side of the log cabin.
"I couldn't leave without kissing you goodbye!" he said.
I melted! So we had a quick smooch-fest, and then I walked him to his car, and they all departed.
Tonight, we were texting back and forth. It was mostly harmless banter, about how his van had broken down. Don't laugh. He has a van because he is a pro BMXer, which means he has to have a vehicle to get the bike from place to place. Anyways, the steering is all messed up, so he has to use his dad's truck for awhile. I told him that one day I want a truck, because they are sexy. He replied by saying they ARE sexy, but they are expensive.
"Yah, but I will be making the big bucks" I said.
"Not me!" he replied.
"That's why you have to find yourself a sugar mama"
"I already have one"
"See? You're golden!"
"Do you even know who I am talking about?" he asked.
DUUUH! I thought...but decided to play along with it.
"No, is she smokin hot? She better be hot!" I said.
"Yah, she's hawt. Some teacher or something"
And so on and so forth. It was tres adorable, and was just what I needed. Lately I've been feelin as if he's kind of friend-vibing me. I don't want to be friended. Not yet.
He's so damn sexy. If I go to England, I am going to miss that boy. Maybe.

A moderatly well-written account of a 20-something Canadian woman's experiences in the world. Be warned...this could get personal.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
On Rocking The Young Vote
So things with K just took a step forward. Last Friday, I was sitting on the front porch with Sheena, Holly, Meaghan, Daxton, and Zach. We're all drinking, and planning on hitting up the Mug at 11. Ten o'clock rolls around, and Sheena gets a call on her cell phone. It's K, and he's asking for me.
"Hey gorgeous," he says.
I swoon, instantly.
He asks me what I am doing, and I tell him that I'm drinking on the porch, and then planning on going to the Mug.
"Boo....we're going to Julianna's in Woodstock, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me?"
HELLS YAH I DO! I thought. Of course, I had to contain my glee, so I calmly told him I was down with that.
Thirty minutes later, he pulls up with a friend in this gorgeous truck (the friends), and we go to his friends place to have some more drinks.
I ended up playing pool with some of his friends, while he played Uker (how do you SPELL that??!) with some more. After two games of pool, I go sit on the edge of the couch he's sitting on. Their game is ongoing. He motions for me to sit beside him, so I move myself, and settle by his side. He rests an arm on my leg while he plays, rubbing my knee. I am in heaven. After they complete the game, we pile into a car, and the hosts mother drives us to Woodstock.
The entire way there, we make out. Don't be too grossed out; the van was full of two other couples, who were heavy petting way harder than our modest making out.
When we got to the bar, it was pretty dead, which was a bit of a bummer. Regardless, the drinks were $2.50, so we all got slammed, danced, and had a good time. At the end of the night, one of the girls mother, who happened to be at the bar, drove us home. We made out the entire ride home as well.
We got dropped off at K's house. His parents, luckily, were out of town for the long weekend. I stayed the night. Use your imagination. ;)
Saturday night I went to a friends BBQ just outside Port Burwell. This was a pretty fun outing as well, despite the fact that I didn't get drunk. I also managed to have a very eye-opening conversation with Aron and Brodie, Adam's two best friends. We had a chat about how we all wished that Adam and I could reconcile and be able to hang out as a group. They told me that they knew I was mature and "cool" now, and that they wouldn't have invited me to the party if they thought otherwise. I told them that (and this is the truth, I swear) I had no interest in Adam anymore. I admitted that I WILL always love him, but I am not IN love with him. I love him, but I don't want to be with him. They responded by saying that Adam didn't have any problems with me personally, but that he avoided me because Shona (his girlfriend) is uncomfortable with me being around his friends or him. Brodie and Aron both expressed concern for Shona feeling that way, saying they think she should get over it, because she is the only thing holding us all back from being friends. I told them that I wished I could just sit down with Adam and Shona and sort the whole thing out. Lay it all out on the table. Aron said he "could arrange it", and seemed to hope it would happen that night. Unfortunately Adam hadn't showed up by 11, and that was when we decided to leave the party. Ah well, perhaps they talked to him when he arrived, and maybe things will start to get better from here-on-in.
Sunday night Sheena, Holly, her brother Nick, and I went to the Turkey Point hotel. It had been my first night there, and I was fairly impressed with the place. It is quite large, and can hold a lot of people. It also drew in a large crowd of rather hot men. Mmmm. This could be an interesting place to go, come the dog days of summer. However, we didn't stay long, because it was cold. Twelve o'clock came around, and Sheena and Holly decided they wanted to leave. At first, I was annoyed to leave that early, but I was drunk, and blame my weird mood on that. On the way home, for some reason we started to sing "I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor" ala Family Guy. We thought it was hilarious, so we decided to text a bunch of random people and say that. We also left some messages on voicemail. I told Sheena to text K, which she did. He replied with "WTF!?"
Feeling this was my chance, I texted him back from my phone saying "My sister is drunk...and apparently a tumor"
"Krista?" he replied (I wasn't in his phone yet)
This led to a lengthy text conversation, in which he mentioned that he had people over, and was drinking on his patio.
"I'm jealous," I said, "There's nothing better than drinks on the patio"
"Come over" was his reply
"I can..." I said.
He then kind of flip-flopped, saying that maybe it wasn't a great idea, because his parents would be home in the morning. I replied that that was cool, and that I'd just go home. I ended it with "It's all good", trying to be as cool as possible.
A few minutes later I get a text: "Kinda wanted you to come tho, so we could hang :("
Confused, I ask him whether or not he wants me to come, and he says he I ask my brother his advice on the flip-flopping texts, and he grins at me saying "He wants you to come...just go!"
My brother drives me over, and I end up hanging out with K and his friends until 5 in the morning. Tired, I ask him if I can sleep in his bed for awhile. He takes my hand, and we go up together. Use your imagination for the rest.
I should, however, mention something that he said after times....he said, and I quote, "That was....the best I've ever had, and I am NOT just saying that!"
Awyeah, that's what I'm talking about. It was pretty good, I must admit. I definitely would like more of that to take place. He also drunkenly told me that I had a gorgeous body, and that he...umm....does his own it. Then he asked me if that was gross, to which I replied that it was hot. I dig it. At least it's me, and not some other broad. Score one for Krista.
So, as you can see, I feel like things are going pretty well with my young man. I am definitely interested in him, a lot. I am hoping that things progress. We shall see. I will, as always, keep you posted.
"Hey gorgeous," he says.
I swoon, instantly.
He asks me what I am doing, and I tell him that I'm drinking on the porch, and then planning on going to the Mug.
"Boo....we're going to Julianna's in Woodstock, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me?"
HELLS YAH I DO! I thought. Of course, I had to contain my glee, so I calmly told him I was down with that.
Thirty minutes later, he pulls up with a friend in this gorgeous truck (the friends), and we go to his friends place to have some more drinks.
I ended up playing pool with some of his friends, while he played Uker (how do you SPELL that??!) with some more. After two games of pool, I go sit on the edge of the couch he's sitting on. Their game is ongoing. He motions for me to sit beside him, so I move myself, and settle by his side. He rests an arm on my leg while he plays, rubbing my knee. I am in heaven. After they complete the game, we pile into a car, and the hosts mother drives us to Woodstock.
The entire way there, we make out. Don't be too grossed out; the van was full of two other couples, who were heavy petting way harder than our modest making out.
When we got to the bar, it was pretty dead, which was a bit of a bummer. Regardless, the drinks were $2.50, so we all got slammed, danced, and had a good time. At the end of the night, one of the girls mother, who happened to be at the bar, drove us home. We made out the entire ride home as well.
We got dropped off at K's house. His parents, luckily, were out of town for the long weekend. I stayed the night. Use your imagination. ;)
Saturday night I went to a friends BBQ just outside Port Burwell. This was a pretty fun outing as well, despite the fact that I didn't get drunk. I also managed to have a very eye-opening conversation with Aron and Brodie, Adam's two best friends. We had a chat about how we all wished that Adam and I could reconcile and be able to hang out as a group. They told me that they knew I was mature and "cool" now, and that they wouldn't have invited me to the party if they thought otherwise. I told them that (and this is the truth, I swear) I had no interest in Adam anymore. I admitted that I WILL always love him, but I am not IN love with him. I love him, but I don't want to be with him. They responded by saying that Adam didn't have any problems with me personally, but that he avoided me because Shona (his girlfriend) is uncomfortable with me being around his friends or him. Brodie and Aron both expressed concern for Shona feeling that way, saying they think she should get over it, because she is the only thing holding us all back from being friends. I told them that I wished I could just sit down with Adam and Shona and sort the whole thing out. Lay it all out on the table. Aron said he "could arrange it", and seemed to hope it would happen that night. Unfortunately Adam hadn't showed up by 11, and that was when we decided to leave the party. Ah well, perhaps they talked to him when he arrived, and maybe things will start to get better from here-on-in.
Sunday night Sheena, Holly, her brother Nick, and I went to the Turkey Point hotel. It had been my first night there, and I was fairly impressed with the place. It is quite large, and can hold a lot of people. It also drew in a large crowd of rather hot men. Mmmm. This could be an interesting place to go, come the dog days of summer. However, we didn't stay long, because it was cold. Twelve o'clock came around, and Sheena and Holly decided they wanted to leave. At first, I was annoyed to leave that early, but I was drunk, and blame my weird mood on that. On the way home, for some reason we started to sing "I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor" ala Family Guy. We thought it was hilarious, so we decided to text a bunch of random people and say that. We also left some messages on voicemail. I told Sheena to text K, which she did. He replied with "WTF!?"
Feeling this was my chance, I texted him back from my phone saying "My sister is drunk...and apparently a tumor"
"Krista?" he replied (I wasn't in his phone yet)
This led to a lengthy text conversation, in which he mentioned that he had people over, and was drinking on his patio.
"I'm jealous," I said, "There's nothing better than drinks on the patio"
"Come over" was his reply
"I can..." I said.
He then kind of flip-flopped, saying that maybe it wasn't a great idea, because his parents would be home in the morning. I replied that that was cool, and that I'd just go home. I ended it with "It's all good", trying to be as cool as possible.
A few minutes later I get a text: "Kinda wanted you to come tho, so we could hang :("
Confused, I ask him whether or not he wants me to come, and he says he I ask my brother his advice on the flip-flopping texts, and he grins at me saying "He wants you to come...just go!"
My brother drives me over, and I end up hanging out with K and his friends until 5 in the morning. Tired, I ask him if I can sleep in his bed for awhile. He takes my hand, and we go up together. Use your imagination for the rest.
I should, however, mention something that he said after times....he said, and I quote, "That was....the best I've ever had, and I am NOT just saying that!"
Awyeah, that's what I'm talking about. It was pretty good, I must admit. I definitely would like more of that to take place. He also drunkenly told me that I had a gorgeous body, and that he...umm....does his own it. Then he asked me if that was gross, to which I replied that it was hot. I dig it. At least it's me, and not some other broad. Score one for Krista.
So, as you can see, I feel like things are going pretty well with my young man. I am definitely interested in him, a lot. I am hoping that things progress. We shall see. I will, as always, keep you posted.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
On London Calling and Twelveteens
Well, I haven't blogged in awhile, so I figured it was about time I made my way on here. I'm not really in the mood to type a long diatribe, but I will do my best to provide a brief update. Admittedly, I should have re-read my last posted blog, to find out where I left off, but failing to do so I will launch myself into where I think I left off...
So I had decided to officially cut G out of the picture a few weeks back. Unluckily for me, he wasn't on the same page. He kept texting me, and trying to talk to me on MSN. For the most part, I ignored him. A few times, I replied, with rather short answers and responses. I figured he got the point, that I was avoiding him...but he certainly did not. In fact, last Friday he called me trying to convince me to go to this party with him on Saturday. I obviously did not want to see him, so I gave him every excuse in the book for not going. My prime reason wasn't even an excuse; I was having people over Saturday night, because my friend Christine was coming down for the night. He kept trying, and I kept evading. My sister and our friend Holly were in the background the entire time, and were none too pleased that I was entertaining this conversation. Finally they started yelling profanities in the background. G, unable to hear what they said, started to ask what they were saying. I told him it was just Sheena and Holly, and his response was "Oh. Tell China [referring to my sister] that I'll wrestle with her later, and tell Holly to jump on a treadmill for awhile..."
Whoa. Buddy. Big mistake.
"Excuse me...did you just insult my SISTER and my FRIEND?" I asked, indignantly.
"Well, they're insulting me..." he said.
"Actually, they're not...they just don't want me on the phone with you...neither do I," I replied. And then I hung up. Man, was I glad to be done with that.
Five seconds later, I get a text that reads "Hey wave to us".
Unsure of what he meant, I showed the girls, and we entertained the idea that he was somehow watching is at that exact moment. Then I realized that he was likely trying to say "wave goodbye to us", but was too stupid to get the phrase out right. Idiot. I had waved goodbye to you weeks ago, you just didn't notice.
Anyways, we went out that night, and I ran into K, my newest crush. I should mention to you that this young buck is, quite literally, young. He's twenty. I'm twenty-three (twenty-four in September). I don't see this as a problem, but my friends never fail to razz me about it. They call him a "twelveteen". It's kind of funny, and yet not really! Anyways, he was at the bar, so we chatted it up, and got our flirt on.
The following night, I saw him out again. He came right to my table, and sat with me. We were around each other for the rest of the night. I got wobbled. I started to rub his leg. He started to rub mine. We came back here, and had an intense makeout-fest. It was awesome. I am totally crushin on this boy. He seems like a nice guy, and he's cute as hell. We'll see how it goes.
Anyways, on a none-guy-related noted, I have an interview to teach in England the end of May. I've been talking to this one guy at a recruitment company for a few weeks now, working on getting some paperwork done. I'm not sure if I want to go...but I am going through the motions. I mean...on the one hand, I would love to have the opportunity to go to England, and experience European culture firsthand. I know it would be an amazing experience. I am also excited about the prospect of meeting a really sexy Englishman...I mean, that accent is enough to make me swoon. Plus, they'd think my accent was sexy (or at least different), and I'm guessing I could really clean up over there. However, I am nervous at the initial expense, nervous about leaving my friends and family, and nervous about having to leave my kitty. It's very scary, to think about going that far away totally alone. At least when I went to Thunder Bay I knew Alicia was going to be there. This time, it would be Krista on her own. That's a scary thought.
Anyways, I should go watch my dinner...I burnt it once already (but saved it with peanut butter...ask me what I made, and you will laugh your ass off that peanut butter fixed it) and I don't want to do it again.
I'll update the situation later.
Oh, and P.S. I will be running into Adam this weekend. I'm unsure of how that will pan out. I saw him on the weekend, and was overwhelmed with a bunch of different emotions, one of them being total love for him. Again, I will keep you posted on the goings on.
So I had decided to officially cut G out of the picture a few weeks back. Unluckily for me, he wasn't on the same page. He kept texting me, and trying to talk to me on MSN. For the most part, I ignored him. A few times, I replied, with rather short answers and responses. I figured he got the point, that I was avoiding him...but he certainly did not. In fact, last Friday he called me trying to convince me to go to this party with him on Saturday. I obviously did not want to see him, so I gave him every excuse in the book for not going. My prime reason wasn't even an excuse; I was having people over Saturday night, because my friend Christine was coming down for the night. He kept trying, and I kept evading. My sister and our friend Holly were in the background the entire time, and were none too pleased that I was entertaining this conversation. Finally they started yelling profanities in the background. G, unable to hear what they said, started to ask what they were saying. I told him it was just Sheena and Holly, and his response was "Oh. Tell China [referring to my sister] that I'll wrestle with her later, and tell Holly to jump on a treadmill for awhile..."
Whoa. Buddy. Big mistake.
"Excuse me...did you just insult my SISTER and my FRIEND?" I asked, indignantly.
"Well, they're insulting me..." he said.
"Actually, they're not...they just don't want me on the phone with you...neither do I," I replied. And then I hung up. Man, was I glad to be done with that.
Five seconds later, I get a text that reads "Hey wave to us".
Unsure of what he meant, I showed the girls, and we entertained the idea that he was somehow watching is at that exact moment. Then I realized that he was likely trying to say "wave goodbye to us", but was too stupid to get the phrase out right. Idiot. I had waved goodbye to you weeks ago, you just didn't notice.
Anyways, we went out that night, and I ran into K, my newest crush. I should mention to you that this young buck is, quite literally, young. He's twenty. I'm twenty-three (twenty-four in September). I don't see this as a problem, but my friends never fail to razz me about it. They call him a "twelveteen". It's kind of funny, and yet not really! Anyways, he was at the bar, so we chatted it up, and got our flirt on.
The following night, I saw him out again. He came right to my table, and sat with me. We were around each other for the rest of the night. I got wobbled. I started to rub his leg. He started to rub mine. We came back here, and had an intense makeout-fest. It was awesome. I am totally crushin on this boy. He seems like a nice guy, and he's cute as hell. We'll see how it goes.
Anyways, on a none-guy-related noted, I have an interview to teach in England the end of May. I've been talking to this one guy at a recruitment company for a few weeks now, working on getting some paperwork done. I'm not sure if I want to go...but I am going through the motions. I mean...on the one hand, I would love to have the opportunity to go to England, and experience European culture firsthand. I know it would be an amazing experience. I am also excited about the prospect of meeting a really sexy Englishman...I mean, that accent is enough to make me swoon. Plus, they'd think my accent was sexy (or at least different), and I'm guessing I could really clean up over there. However, I am nervous at the initial expense, nervous about leaving my friends and family, and nervous about having to leave my kitty. It's very scary, to think about going that far away totally alone. At least when I went to Thunder Bay I knew Alicia was going to be there. This time, it would be Krista on her own. That's a scary thought.
Anyways, I should go watch my dinner...I burnt it once already (but saved it with peanut butter...ask me what I made, and you will laugh your ass off that peanut butter fixed it) and I don't want to do it again.
I'll update the situation later.
Oh, and P.S. I will be running into Adam this weekend. I'm unsure of how that will pan out. I saw him on the weekend, and was overwhelmed with a bunch of different emotions, one of them being total love for him. Again, I will keep you posted on the goings on.
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