Alright, as I promised, I have many stories to tell, and I am finally in the mood to tell them. This might take awhile, since the soap opera that is my life has been churning out some pretty surprising plot twists lately. You might want to grab a snack, and possibly a drink. Or maybe take that potty break now, because I doubt you will want to leave this page turner (or web scroller, I suppose) for two long. Anyways, I digress...here are some of the random tangents my life has taken in the past little while.
First of all, I am sure some of you are wondering about what happened with M and myself. Well, suffice it to say, my experiences with M are something that I regret deeply, and I wish I could take them back. I often wish I had kept with my original pact to stay celibate during my time in Thunder Bay. In all honesty, it wouldn't have been too hard to do, since every guy up here is a total pig. Including M. Anyways, here's the story of myself and M:
For the most part, I was nothing more than a booty call babe, to M. As you should know, from reading my previous posts, I had decided to concede defeat in that avenue. I was relatively alright with the fact of using him for sexual gratification. In fact, I even blinded myself to the fact that the sex we had was horrible (which, by the way, it was. He wasn't well equip, if you know what I mean). Anyways, I figured that with the limited amount of time we had left, I may as well suck it up, and take what I could get. Besides, the attention was nice. I will be the first to admit I am an attention whore, especially when it comes from a guy, so I was more than willing to lap that up. I went in for a couple of his booty calls, and it was a decent arrangement. However, I quickly grew tired of it, and him, and decided to brush him off. One Friday night, I get a text message from him asking me what I was doing. I was in the process of watching a movie marathon on AMC (Terminator 2, Die Hard, and Planet of the Apes) with Alicia. It was 12:30 at night. I was comfortable and happy, in my sweats and a tank. The message was a surprise to me, and it simply read "What are you doing?". I thought it was innocent enough, so I texted back that I was watching movies.
"Come to Roxy's" he replied. I texted back that I was in my PJs and didn't have any cash for a cab.
"Come with me to a party after, I will pay cab", was his response.
"No thanks," I replied.
"Come on..." he said.
"Maybe. Call me later". I said this with the full intention of not answering the call. I assumed I would be going to bed in about half a minutes time, which ended up being how it went down.
At 2:30 in the morning, my cell phone starts to ring. I wake up, and check to see who it was. "M" flashes across the screen. I hit the button to turn off the ringer, and roll over. A few minutes later, it starts to ring again. Again, I turn off the ringer. After a bit, it starts to beep at me, signalling that I have voice mail. Curious as to what he could have said, and kind of wishing for a laugh at the drunken message I was sure to receive, I decided to listen to the message.
Just as I had thought, he's drunk, and pleading with me to answer the phone and come to the party. He sounds pouty, and says that he went out of his way to get me booze. I start to feel slightly bad. I also started to get persuaded by his coaking tone of voice. I decided to text him, and say that I missed his calls because I fell asleep. He instantly calls me, and I answer. After a heated discussion back and forth, I agree to get in a cab and come to the party, if he will pay for the cab. I grab a twenty just in case, and make the call.
When I arrive at the house, no one runs out to pay the cabby, and feeling bad I reluctantly extract my twenty and pay the driver. I climb out of the cab, and call M's cell phone. I don't know which townhouse exactly the party is supposed to be at. He comes to the door of one, and I make my way over. I enter, and see a bunch of people I've never seen before. It's kind of awkward, but I do my best to be friendly, and come across as a cool chick. I think I succeeded. M grabs me a beer, which I chug quickly, so that I can get more into the party mood. He gives me an impressed look, and fetches me another...and another...and a few more. I down 5 beers in an hour or so. I am drunk. This is sufficient to me. I chat up M's guy friends, and I can tell the one is developing a crush on me. You can always tell by the way a guy looks at you. It's slightly awkward, so I try to avoid him after I make the realization.
People start to leave, and M leads me upstairs to a bedroom. I follow willingly. Remember, I am pretty sloshed at this point. Yada yada yada, he tells me he's going to go get a bottle of water. I am very thirsty, so this sounds lovely. He leaves. I hear him go down the stairs. I snuggle down in the blankets of the bed, wrapping the sheets around me, and turn to watch the TV that he had left on. The new song by Bow Wow and Omarion is playing, and I dig it. Suddenly the door opens. I turn to look, expecting to see M. It's the guy that I suspected had a crush on me. He has nothing but boxers on, and a raging boner to boot. I pull the blankets tightly around me.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I half scream at him.
"M told me to come sleep in here with you. He's passed out in my bed..."
"He's passed out in my bed...and he told me to come sleep with you."
He makes a move to pull the sheets back. I'm not sure if he's trying to get a look at my naked body, or if he is trying to get into the bed.
I push his hand away. "What the hell are you doing?! You are not getting into this bed with me!"
"I have to! I have no where else to sleep! M told me to come here! He told me to!"
"Like hell he did!"
"He did!"
"Seriously?" I ask.
"Seriously!" he says, "Go look in my room!"
"No way. No. NO! If he wants to sleep in your room, you can go sleep with him. You guys can spoon all night. No one is sleeping with me. I will sleep alone."
"No," he says. He makes a grab for the blanket again. This time I can tell he wants to try to get a look at me. I gather the blankets tight under my boobs, and punch him in the chest.
"Get the FUCK out of here. NOW!" I scream.
"Okay, okay..." he says, and reluctantly backs out. He closes the door behind him.
I stare straight ahead for a moment, totally mind blown. What just happened? Did that guy seriously try to get into bed with me? Did he SERIOUSLY have that huge of a boner?! What the HELL was going on. If M seriously told him to try that...I felt like I was going to KILL him. I was fuming mad. I've never been madder. Or more horrified and embarrassed. I grabbed my clothes off the floor, and pulled them on hastily. I left the room as quietly as I could, and walked downstairs. I had to find M.
I found him in the basement, trying to open a thing of water bottles.
He stares at me, dumbstruck. "What?!" he says.
I explain what just happened.
"Which guy. Which one..." he asks.
I lead him upstairs, and point to the room.
He stands there a moment, looking like he wants to go in.
I look at him, uneasy. I don't want this to get worse. I want this to be over. I want to pretend this didn't happen. I feel so dirty and ashamed. I think that the guy could have raped me....it all starts to hit me fast. I walk back into the room I was in before. I am done with this. I get into bed...and lay there....and think....
Some other stuff happened, but I'd rather not get into it at this point. It was a weird situation, and honestly I can't believe it happened. After that night, I knew I could never be around M again, without feeling supremely used and disgusting. So that's how it ended with M. He tried to text me this past Thursday, with the standard "what are you doing" line. I was sleeping, and didn't get it till the morning, but if I had have gotten it, I still would not have replied. No way. He's a supreme douche bag, and so are all his dirty friends.
Would you like to hear another story? Alright.
The following night, Saturday of last weekend, I went out to a club with my friend Steph, and some of her other friends. I didn't know the other girls too well, but we still managed to have a decent time. Anyways, the night was going alright, nothing special. Around 1, I started to get really bored, and started talking to Steph about possibly leaving. We decided to go to the bathroom, and then come back and discuss convincing our friend Sebastian to drive us home. As I was walking back from the bathroom, however, I noticed someone extraordinarily sexy. It was Hot English Guy (or HEG as I like to affectionately call him). He spotted me too, and we shared a moment of "hey-its-you". I smiled at him coyly, lowering my eyes in a shy manner, and walked past him.
"Hey!" he said, and he grabbed my arm.
My breath caught in my throat. I didn't think he would do that.
I stop, and turn to face him.
He smiles, this super dreamy, Abercrombie smile. I melt.
"Nice English presentation," he says.
I laugh out loud. Very loudly. I can't believe he used that again, and I tell him as much.
He looks meekly at me, and says he didn't know what else to say to get my attention. I laugh, and ask him to dance.
We move onto the dance floor, and before I know it, we're wrapped around each other, making out like two teens at lunch time. It's hot.
I end up going back with him to his place, but don't worry, it's totally G rated. We just talked, kissed, and did some heavy petting. It was pretty nice.
In the morning, I had to go to a meeting at the Library, so I left when he was sleeping. Kind of sketch, but whatever.
It was a pretty solid night. If anything, it was the ego boost I needed to assure myself that I am hot enough to get whatever guy I desire. If I could get a guy as hot as HEG, then I can get anyone. So it served a purpose that way.
Okay. I have one more story I need to get off my chest before I can end this post. Bear with me.
Formal was this Saturday. It was a pretty fun affair, despite the misgivings that I had. Long story short, the Education Student Teacher Associate mislead us about the bus ride situation to the hotel that the formal was going to be held at, and I became the prime voice of criticism. It got rather ugly, and in the end I think I made a lot of enemies on ESTA. However, I had a lot of people backing me, so I think I was in the right. After dinner, I was mingling with some friends, when a strange girl walks up to me.
"Was everything satisfactory to you?" she asks me.
"Sure..." I said, rather puzzled.
"Good, because I wouldn't want you to start another riot after the night was over..." she says to me, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Suddenly I realize who she is. She's one of the girls on ESTA. I am creeped out that she took the time to stalk me on Facebook to figure out who I am.
"No, it was good....I was never complaining about the entire event, just about the way the bus situation was mismanaged..." I offer.
"Yah well, that bus service was COMPLIMENTARY, so you really have no right to complain" she spits at me.
"Fine." I say. I stare at her, hard. She stares back. I refuse to back down, and take a firm step towards her. She starts to get nervous, and backs away.
"Okay..." she says, and turns and walks away.
I smile at her retreating back, feeling victorious.
Later that night, the dancing took place. I love to dance, so I was tearing up the floor with Alicia and Steph, and a few other girls. My friend Adam came to dance with me, and we started to grind. I was just being friendly, not thinking anything of it. I guess I was giving him the wrong impression though, because he whispered in my ear that he wanted me to come back with him to his room. I laughed at him, and told him he'd already had me, and it wasn't that good. He shook his head, saying it WAS that good, and that he wanted to spend time with me before we left. I stopped dancing, and tried to laugh his comment off. I made a few jokes, about how he had a girlfriend, and what kind of girl did he think I was....but he looked at me, dead serious, and told me that he wanted me to come with him. He told me that he thought I was amazing, and admitted that he got jealous when other guys talked to me, or when he thought about me being with other guys. Again, I tried to laugh it off.
"I love you, Krista" he said, putting his arm around my shoulder, and kissing my forehead.
I started to panic.
"Oh Addy, I love you too...like a brother,"I said. I disengaged from him, saying I had to pee, and ran away.
As I was fleeing, I ran into C. As you may recall, C was my crush. I was delighted to see him. He took my hand, and asked me to dance. I was overjoyed! He pulled me into the dance floor, walking into the middle, and we proceeded to cut the rug. He pulled me close a bunch of times, and my heart was a flutter with happiness. The rest of the night we danced, cheek to cheek. I couldn't have been happier. I thought I was making excellent progress. I resolved to tell him about my feelings for him, at his party on Friday. Suddenly, Alicia was there, telling me we had to go. I blew C a kiss, and reluctantly we left.
The next day, I was gushing to Sebastian about how wonderful the night had been.
"Bad news..." he said.
I swallowed hard.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I was talking to Sarah (C's roommate), and she said that C isn't interested in you at all, but that he likes the attention. She was pretty upset that he was leading you on, cuz she think's you're a nice girl"
I was devastated. I'm not even going to try and hide that. I thought I had made real progress with C, and here it was, totally blown up. He didn't like me at all. He just liked how I lavished attention on him. What an asshole. He was content to lead me on, just to have an ego boost. I've been bitterly angry ever since hearing this. I'm still bitter, and disheartened about men. I don't think I am a bad catch at all. I'm attractive, fun to be around, smart, driven...how could he not like me? And conversely, how could someone like Adam, who has a girlfriend, be in love with me? It's not fair! Life is not fair!
But anyways, I will reflect more on this later. I just wanted to get those stories out of me.
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