Saturday night I got a text message from K, asking me if I wanted to hang out with him and his friends that night. I had committed myself to driving my sister and some of our friends to a Bonfire party, at the very least, so I told him that I might pop around some time after 10. I told him to text me when he got there, and I would see about heading over. Secretly I knew all along that I would go with him; I had to pick my brother up from work at 10, and which point I had planned to get him to drop me off at the party.
All went according to plan, and at 10:30 I was dropped off at the destination. I came downstairs, where the party was happening, and found a seat, thankfully, available next to K. I poured myself a stiff drink, and commenced the partying. Someone broke out a beer pong table, which they called "Water Ball" or something. Kids these days play the game differently than when I was a young lady. Ha. They filled all the cups with water, and then every time they sunk a ball, they had to do a shot. Similar, and yet not at all. I guess it makes sense to play that way, if you're not using beer. Anyways, K ended up playing a bunch of rounds, while I mingled and socialized with his friends. His one friend, Eric, who happens to have a girlfriend (it was her house we were at, actually) was hitting on me to the millionth degree. I was trying very hard not to be rude, cuz getting the approval of the friends is key, but it was very hard. I kept looking at K, to let him know I was all about him. He was looking pretty grumpy, and kept shooting his buddy some warning glances. I am fairly sure Eric was being harmless, but suffice it to say, K was unimpressed. I found out later that night that K had said something to Candice, the guys girlfriend, saying he had been a little more than jealous at Eric's actions. Anyways, the boys quickly abandoned their game of Water Ball, as they were getting too drunk, and settled for a game of Euchre. K indicated that he wanted me to join him in his seat, so I did. He also indicated he wanted a kiss, so I gave him one, to a bunch of "Ewwws" and other such comments. It was cute. Then his friend Paul asked if HE could kiss K. Laughing, I told him I was all for it. K, a bit of a homophobe (I am sad to admit) was against the idea, totally. After some convincing, in which I said that if he was secure with his sexuality it wouldn't bother him, he finally agreed to do it. I grabbed my camera, ready for the photo op of the century. However, just as they were about to meet, they both stuck their hands between their faces, and kissed hands. I snapped a picture of the post-kiss, with Paul laughing gleefully in my face. Nicely done, boys. I razzed them for leading me on. K grabbed me, and puckered his lips for another kiss.
"You really want one?" I asked.
He pouted, so I obliged.
Soon after, we prepared to head downtown.
During this time, for whatever reason, Paul decided to start ranting on about how "Beautiful" I was.
"K...your girl is absolutly beautiful. I mean, seriously. Wow. How did you do it? Gorgeous. Just gorgeous!" he gushed.
It was like he had just noticed me for the first time. It was a tad awkward, but I must admit I did enjoy K's reaction. He kinda puffed himself up, like most men do when they're proud, and winked at me. The compliments continued from Paul all night. Non-stop.
Downtown, we went to the Royal. It was a fairly busy night, though most of the clientele was K's age; younger than me. K asked me what I wanted to drink, so I told him, and then followed him to the bar. He ordered a drink for himself and I. The bartender looked at me, and asked me for my id. Letting out a loud sigh, I fished it out and handed it over. Funny how my man doesn't get id'd, and he's 19, but I do, and I am 23. Oh the injustices of it all. We grab our drinks, and find a table to sit down at. The rest of the group joins us. I sit on K's lap, for good measure. He rubs my leg, and I rest my head on his head. At this point, I get asked for id AGAIN. So I produce it AGAIN, while all K's friends giggle at the irony.
It's at this point that a bunch of random bimbo's decide to approach K. They're all tits and giggles, and vye hard for his attention. He chats to them, while I sit on his lap all the while, feeling like a third wheel. None of the numerous girls even ASK who I am...and frankly, K doesn't do much of a job of trying to introduce me. Although, it should be fairly obvious what my connection is with him...I AM sitting on his lap, afterall. However, I get a bit upset at this situation, and pull myself off him, stalking angrily to the bathroom. I am fuming, I must admit. I text my best bud, Andie, saying that I want to punch myself in the face. She calls me back, as I am peeing. Drunkely, I don't think twice about answering. I vent my frustrations to her, and she tells me I should go and kiss him in front of all the little girlies. I tell her I can't do that...but eventually I take her advice, and I do it. That teaches those idiots a lesson. They keep their distane the rest of the night.
The boys eventually go to play pool. I migrate over with the other two girfriends, Candice and Britt. We all kind of stand off to the side, watching our men play. I get a lot of stares, and more than a few fellows come upto flirt with me. One of K's friends comes up, and starts to talk with me.
"So, you're K's new girl, eh?" he asks.
"Yah, that'd be me," I reply.
"You're a cute little thing...K's a lucky guy!" he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in for one of those bear hugs.
"Hey, pretend you're leavin with me, I wanna see what he does..." he says
Unsure, I resist.
"Come on!" he says, "Hey Dutch! We're leavin!" he yells to K.
K looks up, not looking too impressed.
I pull away from the guy, and try to laugh it off.
I saunter over to K, who is standing watchin is opponent make a shot. I wrap my arms around his waist, and give him a quick peck on the neck.
"All my friends are hittin on you tonight, eh?" he asks, with a hint of jealousy in his voice.
"Aw, babe, you know I've only got eyes for you" I say (or something damn near close).
He grins, and squeezes my hands. I back off so he can continue playing.
At this point, Candice takes me aside, to give me a pep talk. She tells me that K really likes me, cuz he NEVER invites girls out with them. Then she says that she thinks he is going to make it official soon, but that he's a bit worried about scaring me off, since I'm older. She also says he hasn't had a real girlfriend since he was in grade 9, so that could also play a part in why he seems so awkward and distant sometimes. Grateful for her candid advice, I thank her profusely.
Not too long after that, we leave.
K grabs my hand, as we are leaving the bar, and we walk out hand in hand. As we're walking towards Pizza Pizza, for a post-bar bite to eat, some guy walking towards us points at me, and calls me a bitch. K freaks out.
"What did you call her?" he asks the guy.
The guy stops walking, and looks at me, then at K.
"Oh shit dude, sorry, I didn't mean it. I meant that other chick down there...stay away from that bitch..."
"No. You called her a bitch. She is not a bitch. You don't call her a bitch..." he says, giving the guy a shove.
"I didn't call her a bitch..."
"Yah you did. I heard you call her a bitch, and no one calls my girl a bitch. She is not a bitch. She's the furthest thing from a bitch..."
Throughout all this, I am cowering behind Paul, trying to catch K's hand to pull him away.
"You apologize to her right now, you asshole!" K is saying.
The guy wheels over to me, looking pretty terrified, and says he is sorry. I say it's no problem, and then grab K's hand and start to lead him away.
"I'm sorry," he said, "I just did not like hearing him call you a bitch!"
"It's okay, hun..." I say, squeezing his hand.
More drama takes place at Pizza Pizza too. K's friend Paul is shit faced, and decides he wants to fight someone. His gaze rests on my sister's boss, also named Paul, who is dating the girl my sister works with. I'd met him once before (I believe I blogged about him once) at the Royal. He comes up to me, and gives me a hug. Then he proceeds to hit on me. Luckily, K is up getting pizza and doesnt' hear anything. Paul does. He stares the guy down, until finally he leaves. K comes back with the pizza, and Paul tells him that he wants to fight the guy. I convince him to let it go, though. On our way out, the other Paul calls me over, and gives me a big hug.
"Don't let him treat you bad," he says, looking at K.
K stares at him hard, his face all business.
"I won't..." I say awkwardly. I can see K's friend Paul chompin at the bit to punch the guy, so I steer him out of the store, hoping K will follow. He doesn't.
I push Paul outside, and look back at K. He's leaning against the counter, talking to Paul, looking like business. Eventually he comes out.
"What was goin on with you guys?" I ask him.
"Oh, I was just letting him know I'm with you. I don't like that guy..." he says.
"I want to fight the asshole," Paul says.
"Let it go, guys," I say. I decide not to tell them that he was hitting on me. Not until we get into the car, and are on our way back to Candices. When I do spill the beans, Paul is furious.
"Dude, he was hitting on your girlfriend. Let's go back. I want to beat the shit outta that guy!"
"No, it's not worth it! He's a loser," I say.
K is silent. I grab his hand, and he looks back at me (I am in the back, he is in the front) and smiles. All is well.
So we go back to Candices, have a few more drinks, and then crash on the couch. K is about to pass out, but I am feeling frisky. I get busy with my hands, while kissing his neck. It doesn't take long at all to get a response from him, but we can't do too much cuz Paul is on the other couch. I whisper in his ear that he should meet me in the bathroom in a few minutes, and then climb off of him. He joins me in two minutes, and we proceed to have the most wild makeout-sex fest I've ever had. It was a pretty big bathroom, and we did it on every surface. Delightful, I must say. Then we went into Candices room, as she decided to sleep in her mom's bed, and cuddled up for the night.
All in all, it was a pretty solid Saturday evening. I also gained some confidence on our relationship. All night his friends were referring to me has his girlfriend, and he never once corrected them. I also called him my boyfriend, once, to Paul (my sisters boss) within earshot of the OTHER Paul, and wasn't corrected on that. So...things appear to be going well. I am happy, which is a good thing, cuz I haven't been in awhile.
We'll see how it goes.
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