So I'm sitting in my living room, decked out entirely in Roots apparel. There's nothing I love to lounge in more. I'm feeling pretty relaxed, and ready to just become a vegetable today; nothing but reading, and maybe watching some television or a movie for me. Maybe I will wander down to Rogers Video and rent "Superbad" or something. Who knows. Maybe a little Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Well, not that last part. I made that up. They don't even have one of those in Tillsonburg.
Anyways, I digress. I'm feeling so relaxed today, I am seriously considering NOT going out for New Years. I told my parents of my lovely idea, and they looked at me, with shocked and horrified expressions on their faces.
"What kind of adolescent doesn't want to go out on New Years?" my Dad asked me.
Scowling, I informed him that I was far from an adolescent; I'm 23.
"What kind of 23 year old doesn't want to go out on New Years?" he asked.
"This one," was my reply.
My mother couldn't seem to get past her initial state of shock. She simply stood there, with a blank look on her face. I walked past both of my parents and plunked myself down on the couch.
"You have to go out," my Dad said, " Your mother and I like to run around the house naked on New Years."
I still visibly recoil at the remembrance of this statement. I knew he was joking, but no one likes to imagine their parents cavorting, in any manner. Ever. I was the product of an immaculate birth, hence my total perfection.
But seriously, they both kept trying to cajole me into agreeing to go out tonight. However, I remain fairly steadfast in my determination to remain a homebody tonight. In my defence, I have many more reasons aside from feeling incredibly lazy today. First of all, I would be going with my friends Mike and Carey (both of whom I adore) to some house party. Going with the two of them isn't an issue, but the actual location is. It would be at a party in which I will know next to no one. This usually isn't a big deal for me, as with a few drinks I can become quite the social butterfly (who can't). However, as I am kind of weary of booze these days (and seeing as my resolution is to cut down on my drinking) I wasn't planning on drinking tonight. This means that I would be left in my base element of existence; being shy. I am, contrary to what many may think of me, a very shy person at heart. It takes me while to warm up to people, when I am thrown into a HUGE mix. Granted I am much less shy than I used to be, I still retain some of my very shy qualities. And on a lazy day like today, I don't really think I would be very good in goading myself to be super friendly to complete (and most likely drunken) strangers.
In writing this last sentence, I have also come to the realization that I am, in fact, feeling quite grumpy today. I wasn't quite aware of this until just now. As such, I am even more firm in my belief that I should not attend any social (and sober) outings. I would be a Debbie Downer extraordinaire. This now constitutes my second reason for not wanting to go out tonight.
My third reason is that I fly to Thunder Bay tomorrow. My Dad argued with me that my flight isn't until 8:40pm, and hence should not impede on my ability to go out. However, with the thought of having to leave Southwestern Ontario tomorrow in the back of my head, I am really not in much of a mood to celebrate. I do feel slightly bad that I will not be able to give Mike and Carey a proper goodbye, but that is really small change. I can always call them up for a coffee or something tomorrow afternoon, if they aren't nursing terrible hangovers that prevent them from consuming liquids (or food for that matter. My hangovers of late have been of that variety).
I will more than likely look back on this post, in the months to come, and kick myself for wasting New Years 2007. I may not. Who knows. All I know is that, at this very moment, I am wallowing in a sea of laziness. No, wait. That doesn't quite fit. I am floating along a lazy river of indifference, and am quite content to do so.
Besides, I had a SMASHINGLY great time last New Years (see picture above). I can't possibly top that, so I may as well just let it retain all it's glory, while this year floats slowly out, and the new one floats slowly in. Besides, if all goes to plan, this is going to be a hectic year for me. It seems only fitting that I start it slowly, because from this point on it's going to be a wild ride.