Straight up....................
Anyways, I know this is really stupid, but I feel like a totally different, totally confident person when I have my hair extensions in. I know that they don't change who I am, but they change how I feel. It's a totally vain and appearance based thing...and I am almost ashamed to admit it. However, as horrible as it sounds, it is true. I feel that I LOOK more appealing, and as such I have gained a huge amount of confidence. I feel sub-par when I take them out. Actually, I think the best word would be...deflated. I feel deflated without them.
How utterly depressing. Ah well. I'll just put them back in...and...ahh...feeling confident and sexy again.
So I've got two crushes I suppose I could tell you about. The first crush is a carry-over from last semester. I shall call him "P". I started to develop a crush on P last semester, about mid-way through. I've got class with him, and one day I kind of noticed him sitting there, and was like "wow, that guy is really cute". And then he stood up, and he was TALL....and tall guys really get me going. So I was like "Double wow". And since then, I've kind of had one of those crushes from afar. I did talk to him once...while under the influence of alcohol. *sigh*. How sad is that? Not only do I need fake hair to be confident, apparently I also need booze. I wanted to talk to him a bunch of times after that, but I get way too nervous, and I start to blush, and can't bring myself to even say hello. So, I will just have a harmless crush on him from afar, and hope and PRAY that I don't give off the "creepy" vibe. That'd be awful...cuz it's not a creepy crush. If I see him at school I melt, and that's about it.
The other crush is, unknown to me, also a carry-over from last semester. It's on a guy I will call "C". I had class with C last semester too, and am actually FRIENDS with C. We hang out in the same "group". "The group" as we all like to call it. Anyways. We're in the same group. We've partied together a ton. We joke around ALL the time. I last semester, I just thought it was friendly feelings I had for him. However, when I revealed my crush to my room mate, Alicia, she said "Krista. You had a crush on C last semester".
"I did?" I asked.
"YES!" she said.
Hmmm. So apparently my actions made my crush obvious before my brain even realized it. Now that I think back, she's right. I did have a minor crush on him last semester. However, he was kind of involved in this really weird "love triangle" last semester. Apparently that's over now though, which means I have room to maneuver. Now I don't have to worry about stepping on any toes - unless the girl still has feelings for him, which she probably does. Oh well...all's fair in love and war. I'm gonna probably hit on him a bunch this weekend. We'll see where that goes. With my awesome new hair, I'm thinking that he'd be a fool to turn this down. But then again, he knows the real that's not so foolish of a rejection to make. Heh heh. I'm the most terrible kind of person. I'm aware.
I thought that I detected some flirting today in class. I will test this theory in class tomorrow. Although P is ALSO in tomorrow's class. Although who am I kidding...I can talk to C, because we were friends first. I can't talk to P, because he remains this out of reach hottie.
I'll keep you posted on the high jinks of this weekend. It's bound to get out of hand, and you will definitely want to know.
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