I've been in Thunder Bay for three days, and I am already insanely annoyed with my room mates. So far, only Dan, the 17 year old, is here. However, he is, by far, THE most annoying person on the fact of the earth. First of all, he tries to interact with me as if I'm his "friend". I am not his friend. He annoys the living shit out of me, and I can't stand to be in the same room with him. He grosses me out, to no end. He's hideously ugly, inconsiderate, and smells like greasy sweaty hair. If you know what that smell is like, you will know how disgusting it is. I don't think he showers very often, because he ALWAYS smells terrible, and his hair is greasy and disgusting looking at all times. And if he does shower, I have the sneaking suspicion that he's never bought shampoo, because his hair NEVER looks clean. I think this contributes to his disgusting smell. His stench is so bad, that it lingers on the furniture. Trust me, I wish I was kidding. There are these two red pillows on the couch, that he always lays on, and every time I sit near them the smell that wafts off them is enough to make me gag. I always toss them as far away as possible when I sit on the couch. I cannot even begin to truly describe how disgusting this kid smells.
He is also trying to impress me all the time, by making sexual comments or drinking beers. It's like he thinks that I'm impressed by sexually promiscuous drunks. News flash, kid; I'm not. At least he's done hitting on me. In September, he used to talk about how I was his "hot" room mate all the time....and make disgustingly lame attempts to touch me. It was freaky. One time, as he tried to come in for a hug, I started to back away. I was totally terrified. I did NOT want him to touch me. He pursued me, and I stepped back so quickly I slammed into the door. I ended up with this gigantic bruise on my lower back, because I hit the door handle so hard. THAT'S how badly I wanted to avoid him. He's the creepiest and most annoying person on earth.
He's also one of the most LAZY people I've ever met....but you know what, I don't really want to get into it any more than I already have.
Another of my room mates is supposed to return tomorrow. I'm kind of divided between how I feel about this. On the one hand, she's a decent person. On the other, she has these little idiosyncrasies that drive me coo-coo-banana's. Again, I won't really delve into describing what these annoying habits are, just understand that they drive me crazy. I also spend almost all my time with her, since we're in all the same classes AND we live together. This wouldn't be so bad, except we're two totally different people. I always get the feeling that she's looking down on me. It's fairly obvious to me that she thinks she is better than me. Maybe she is, I'm not really one to judge stuff like that. Anyways, I always get this vibe from her, when we're around other people AND when its just her and I, that she thinks I'm a complete idiot. And a whore. It's rather irritating, since I'm neither. Now, I could go on and on, and write exactly what I think on the matter, but in the hope of avoiding any further drama should someone unwelcome read this and rat me out, I will remain silent.
Suffice it to say, I am almost wishing that I lived alone up here. I know that living alone can have its downsides, but at the same time so does living with room mates.
So tonight, while Dan is at work, I am enjoying my very last solitary moments here in Thunder Bay. Tomorrow my time alone will be severely limited....
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