Well, it turns out that my horoscope was right.....
...you know, about not forcing things. I officially stopped forcing things after reading it, and lo and behold, things happened for me. At the ESTA 80s Party Saturday night, I was dancing up a storm, not paying any attention to ANYONE, when this guy approaches me. "I think I know you" he said.
I looked at him, very sceptical.
"Whats my name then?" I ask.
"Krista," he says.
I still think it's a hoax, and I look around to see if any of his buddies, who might happen to have class with me, are looking at us and giggling. I don't see anyone.
"What's my last name," I ask, my voice dripping with disapproval.
He says it.
I am in shock. I stand back, and look at him closer, trying to figure out who he is.
"What's your name?"
He laughs, and shrugs. "If you don't know, I don't want to tell you."
I stare at him some more.
"Come on, tell me!"
"I'm from Waterloo..." he says.
For a moment I contemplate whether he was one of Adam's friends, since he went to Laurier. But Adam only had a few friends, and this guys face doesn't match any of those characters.
"Come on, tell me your first name..." I prod him.
"Josh," he says.
I'm still perplexed, because I can't remember knowing any Josh's from Waterloo.
Then he tells me his last name, and it clicks.
I DO know him, albeit briefly, from before.
I can't recall if it was third year or fourth year that I first ran into him, but I'm starting to think it was towards the end of third year. I'm not entirely sure. Anyways, I already had him as a friend on Facebook, so I mean...that's something ha ha. I also had him on my MSN, as I found out when I got home. I'm sure you can sympathize; everyone has a few too many people on their MSN that they don't "reaally" know who they are. So anyways....we get to chatting, and dancing, and generally had a good time.
So towards the end of the night, as we are sitting down so that I can cool off (it got rather hot on the dance floor), he asks how he can go about seeing me again. I smiled at him coyly, and told him that there are many options. First, I tell him that he has me on Facebook already, and that he could message me on there. Second, I tell him that he could get my number and call me. He whips out his cell phone, and tells me to put my number in. So I do.
We dance a bit more, and then Alicia comes and tells me it's time to go. And so it is.
I don't think I have to go in depth any more than that. All that needs to be known is that I have a date with him on Thursday. Giggity.
On another note, I am in the process of writing a poem for my history class. Sounds odd, doesn't it? It is. We have to do this original independent project, and I got the "wonderful" idea to write a poem about William Lyon Mackenzie King. It's quite interesting so far, I must admit. I've got 6 pages done so far. It's going to be a long one.
Maybe I'll post it up here when it's done.
As for now, I should go...only an hour until American Gladiators is on! LOVE IT!
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