Valentines Day is a few days away. What joy, for all us single ladies. Or, if you're like most people I know, what joy for those girls that don't live in close vacinity with their boyfriends. It's a fucking waste of a day, if you ask me. It makes single people feel like shit, and it makes couples spend money on stupid shit. You shouldn't need a day to take your lover out for dinner or buy them a gift. Instead of giving the market monster all your money on one day, why don't you space it out? I mean, honestly. It's pathetic. I know some of you are just chalking this all up to my bitter single-ness, but I would fight you to the death over that accusation. I've hated Valentines Day since it started to take on more than a cute card aspect. It's sillyness.
Alright. Now that I have THAT rant out of the way, let's move onwards.
I will briefly talk about M. Okay, so I told you about Saturday. Wicked. Then Sunday was a study day, for him and myself, so I didn't hear from him. I will admit to having a moment of girlish weakness, in which I kind of overreacted to NOTHING....but after a pep talk from Andie and Greg, I was back on track. Greg's advice to me was the best, especially since it came from a guy. He told me that one of two things could happen with the situation. One, he would pursue me and I would know that I rock and scored again; or two, he wouldn't pursue me, and I would know that I rock and it's his loss. I dunno why, but that really kinda hit home for me. I mean, I know I am a pretty fucking wicked awesome person. I've got everything goin on; I'm good looking, I'm super sweet and down to earth, I am generous to a fault, I'm smart, I'm driven, and I'm not a filthy poor hobo (maybe a poor student, but certainly not filthy or hobo like. I'm quite stylin, tee hee). Also, my breasts are awesome. Ha ha ha. So I definitely felt better about everything Sunday night.
So Monday afternoon, lo-and-behold, M gets in contact with me, and we make plans to work on our group project together the following night. I had a workshop to attend Monday and Tuesday night, and was going to go over after the workshop on Tuesday. Anyways, I'm in the workshop on Monday, and he texts me and asks me to come over tonight, so we can work on it and then watch a "flick". So I go over, we do a lesson plan up, and then pop in "Lucky Number Sleven" (which, I might add, is a fabulous movie. Josh Hartnett is a FOX). We watched the majority of the was interrupted for some making out and stuff. Pretty good. Then when the movie ended, we turned on the TV and just kinda chatted, messed around, and went to sleep. Pretty solid night.
So, obviously, I didn't go over tonight, since I went LAST night. Although, he still felt the need to let me know that I didn't have to come over, and to (?) ask me if it was okay if he went out for drinks with his buddies. I was kind of perplexed as to why he would include the last bit/question. But whatever, I guess I should take it as a good thing. Or so I was told, hee hee. So we had a group meeting over MSN when I got home from the meeting, and after it ended, he told me that he he had to go work on some other project before his drinks, and said he'd talk to me tomorrow. So. Methinks he has a crush on me, as well. It's cute. He's cute. He's a cute little blue eyed Irish boy.
Anyways. I'm trying really super hard to not let the crush get too carried away...cuz he lives 5 hours away from where I'm from...which is FAR....However, its kinda hard not too. Ah well. Maybe I'll just revert back to my usual habit of quickly getting over my infatuations, as per usual. Who knows!
Anyways, that's all I've got for now. Cheers!
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