Every Wednesday I have two classes. The first class is Foundations in Education, which Alicia and I like to call "Philosophy". Essentially, the class is used to discuss philosophical issues in education, like equality/equity, gender discrimination, and various other teaching techniques. It's a fairly interesting course, and probably has the best reading material of any that I've had to take thus far at Lakehead. I would even venture so far as to say it's one of the more useful courses that they make us take. Most of the classes I take are total bullshit. Anyways, my crush, C, is in that class. He sits beside me, so it's made even better. I must admit, however, that my crush on him is slowly fading. I still have a teeny crush on him, but it's not nearly as strong as it was. I think that in a week or so I won't have a crush on him at all! That is good news, rest assured. I dislike having crushes when the feelings aren't mutual.
Anyways, I digress. I have another class on Wednesdays; Planning and Evaluation. In this class, we've been broken into teacher assigned groups, and we have to make this stupid inter-disiplinary unit plan. It is complete hogwash. Anyways, I was pretty pissed off to find out that the teacher made the groups up, because I had wanted to work with my friends. However, I also understand why he picked the groups. He wanted us to work outside our comfort area, and I am cool with that. Last week, we were given the groups, and one of my group members wasn't there. I couldn't even figure out who it was, by the name. I had no effing idea of the fourth person was, and frankly I was annoyed that they didn't come to class. The other two group members and I agreed that if he didn't show up this week, we were going to freak our freak and get him kicked off our team.
Well, he showed up today. And...I must say...he was a hunny. Ha ha ha! Leave it to me to make that comment, first and foremost. Following suit with such a comment, I can also admit that I have added a new crush to my repetoire. This one I shall call M. The only problem is, he seems like one of those party animal guys. This is his last semester (he's con-current education, which means that he took he will get his B.A. and his B.Ed at convocation in May....compared to myself, who already has a B.A.), and I think he's kind of looking to party it up, hardcore. He's also not from anywhere near me, in terms of living in the South...which means that I really shouldn't pursue this crush at all. It would be pretty stupid to do so. However, as I have previously stated, I allow myself full range to be a flirt, and flirt I shall.
I used the excuse of the group to add him to MSN, and thankfully HE made the first conversation move...and proceeded to chat me up for a considerable amount of time. Then he extended a party invitation to me, for this weekend. Clearly he wants into my pants. I don't think I am exaggerating in saying this. Lucky for me, if I do accept his invitation, I will have nature to thank for making sure I am a good girl. IF you know what I mean....ahem.....my little monthly friend? Ha ha ha! Sometimes, when there is booze involved, I find my ability to be reasonable and smart decreases, and I often follow the call of my body. Ha ha. Who doesn't? Besides, he is cute, so the temptation will be strong. But, like I said, THANKFULLY, I will be incapable of being bad. This bodes well for me.
In the meantime, I will be my sexy and flirty self, and revel in the attention that is a man trying to bone me.
1 comment:
haha that is a hot story!!! Get some pics of this "M" this weekend :p
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