A moderatly well-written account of a 20-something Canadian woman's experiences in the world. Be warned...this could get personal.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On Providing a Brief Update

Lately I haven't been inclined to write much in here. This isn't to say that a lot hasn't been happening with me; in fact, there is a tale or two I could spin here that would make you laugh out loud, and ponder the reality of what you're reading. Perhaps, once I get back home, I will find the time and energy to recount the random encounters of the past few weeks. You should certain hope that I do, as they are pretty outlandish (and yet, horribly true).

Anyways, I just wanted to provide you with this small tidbit of information....

Hot English Guy....was conquered. If I had my way, he'd be conquered again. He is extraordinarily sexy, and far smarter than any of the other dim-wits I've met up here. His Mama did good, I think.

I just wanted to put that out there, since it is a matter of great triumph for me.

More to come, at a later date.


1 comment:

YourSecretLover said...

Go Krista! Show'em how us southerners do it!